Customizable GPS tracking system for endurance sports, on land or at sea.
Compatible Devices

Links with any SPOT Gen2, Gen3, Gen4, SPOT-X, or Trace satellite messenger, and replaces your SPOT Shared Page.
Garmin inReach

Links with any Garmin inReach satellite messenger, and replaces your Garmin Shared Page.
Apple & Android Phones

Links with your iPhone, iPad, or Android device via the Traccar GPS Tracking System.
Marine AIS

Links with maritime AIS transponders.
- Customizable URL - e.g.,
- Customizable route path
- Page remains live for at least one year, or until deletion request.
- Raw tracking data (CSV format) on request.
Individual Tracking
- Using SPOT or Garmin device: $12
- Using Apple or Android device: $20
- Using Marine AIS: $20
Note: MSF Premium members are eligible for free tracking.
- Private event (zero publicity): $5.
- Multi-day event (longer than 48 hours): $5.
Group/Race Tracking
Group Tracking displays multiple individuals on the same course, using any combination of devices - including participants’ own phones.
Pricing is based on number of participants who will be tracked. For details, see the Group Tracking page or contact us to inquire further.
Questions? Please contact us.